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The perfect icebreaking party game!
Low commitment, doesn't interrupt the party
6+ players
Ages 21+ (for legal reasons)
Game ends when the party does
A boxed-set of Drink! Comes with 150 cards, including 10 "house-rules" cards, and a rules-sheet.
Beverages sold separately.
"It takes about 1 minute to explain the game, players of all levels can enjoy it on the same level, and can be played during other games. Or during a movie. Or a baptism. Or by yourself, if you want to make chemical dependency a little more fun.
- 70percentcoffee
We set out to film a commercial for Drink!, but ended up just playing the game and drinking beers.
What is Drink!?
Drink! is a perfect gateway between tabletop gaming and house parties without distracting people from enjoying each other’s company.
It is an easy icebreaker that keeps people laughing and chatting. Drink! keeps your brain moving and your eyes peeled as you joke around with friends and goad them into sipping more and more of their beverages.
The rules of Drink! are simple!
Every player picks a card from the game box. Each card shows an action or phrase they should watch or listen for.
Whenever someone does the action on your card, command that person to "drink" (take a sip of their beverage). To be extra clever, you can choose to wait a few seconds before calling "drink".
If anyone can guess what your card says, they keep your card for the rest of the night and still get to call out the rule. (If they guess wrong, they must drink.)
Once you lose your card, get a new one and keep playing!
The player with the most cards at the end wins.
The game ends whenever the group wants… usually when everyone is around a bonfire or in a cuddle puddle.
Drink! is straight-forward and intuitive, but a blast to play!
It’s hilarious to watch someone try to recall the last few seconds of their life as they were suddenly commanded to drink.
It’s exhilarating to finally figure out you’ve been saying “like” too much and snatch the card from your buddy’s hand in defiance.
Best of all, nothing is interrupted by the game. People can come and go without breaking the game, conversations happen without losing focus, and no one is bogged down watching two other people play beer pong.
Drink! adds a level of enjoyment to any house party, game night, or wedding reception. You’re going to be hanging out and drinking anyway, why not toss in a fun little game?
“This game is a ton of fun! It's good for a party because it encourages conversation, and frankly you only need to give the game half of your attention, so you can be playing and talking to your friends at the same time..”
- Amazon Review
Reviews & Playthroughs!
Free Sample
The perfect icebreaking party game!
This PDF contains the full Drink! experience, minus the cardstock and ink. Print out you favorite cards and don't worry about them getting soaked in beer.
This PDF set is pay-what-you-want. Click here to give a PayPal contribution.
Feedback? Pictures of your party? Proof you did that kegstand? Tell us about it.