Far Away Proof

We received our first proof of Far Away. Here’s our analysis before we show you those tantalizing unboxing pictures.

  • This proof did not include dice or cubes. We’re not 100% sure why, but it’s probably because they can’t be produced in a one-off capacity. We are clarifying that with the manufacturers right now. [11/1 UPDATE: The plastic components take longer to produce, so the rest of the game was sent in advance.]

  • The components, cards, and box feel good. We’re happy with the quality.

  • We do need to make a couple changes. There were extra den cards (which would unbalance the game) and a couple graphical issues. We’ve addressed those and resubmitted everything to China.

  • We need to get some smaller bags. This is a minimal change.

  • The game is heavier than we anticipated. This may affect shipping and pricing, but backers and pre-orderers will not be impacted.

Our next steps are to confirm the changes with manufacturing, receive the cubes and dice, and determine if we can move forward with production or if we need another proof.

Box shots.



Everything, minus cubes and dice.