Far Away Review Roundup

We wanted to thank everyone who has made time to play Far Away and say an all-caps THANK YOU to some of the awesome people who reviewed it.

The Cardboard Republic sat down with Alex to chat about his “inspirations and machinations” when creating Far Away. He shares what some of his favorite games are and why, and whether or not he thinks he and his finance, Anne, could survive in an alternate universe using the skills they’ve gained from being quarantined together.

Tabletop Dungeon highlighted some of the “dark humor” that’s woven into Far Away. He says, “It’s clear Far Away has been lovingly crafted by a talented writer.” This is one of my favorite things about Far Away – reading the instruction (C.A.R.E.S.) manual. I’ve known Alex long enough that it’s hard not to hear his goofy character voice when I read aloud. Looking forward to when we’re all able to do Cons again so y’all can hear it too.

The GameCasters discussed their thoughts on Far Away on their podcast. They enjoyed the quirky humor and said “this game just oozes creativity.” They also gave me a personal shout out because I helped them navigate some creature behavior via Instagram video.

Three Minute Board Games gave us an honest review when they added Far Away to their 12 Obscure Board Games Review, saying, “if this weird, little, complex exploration game about solitude and survival sounds interesting to you, definitely check this one out. I was really quite impressed with it.” I appreciated his thoughts because Far Away isn’t a game that you can just pick up; it’s an immersive experience. It’s not for everyone, but it’s going to be amazing for some people.

Tantrum House featured us in their Saturday Morning Board Game Show and said Far Away was “very immersive”, had a “very cool theme”, and overall they enjoyed the interesting communication mechanics.

We truly appreciate everyone who played Far Away and took the time to share both what they like about the game and what challenges they ran into. Listening to everyone’s experiences has been enriching. It makes us feel connected to you during a time when connection is so restricted.
