Meet Jules - our Visual Designer


Hi!  I’m Jules. I’m the new visual designer for Cherry Picked Games. I’m very excited to be working on our new game and making sure everything around here is looking sharp.

I’m an experiential graphic designer by day which means I focus on designing things for both visuals and interactions. Be it a museum exhibit, a Rube Goldberg machine or a tabletop game, I love thinking up fun memorable ways for people to interact with and enjoy the things I make. 

I love games of all sorts, especially ones that encourage conversation and laughter. I dabble in video games, board games, murder mysteries, and even hosted my wedding reception at the Pacific Pinball Museum.  I think the way a good game encourages social interactions is really special. I owe several good friendships to game nights and I’m excited to be contributing to this community. 

When I’m not designing you’ll find me knitting, geeking out about typefaces, collecting enamel pins, or hanging out with my corgi, Ellie, at the dog park.

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