Far Away - Back in Stock

Far Away has survived its epic journey of 9.704325e-10 lightyears. The CPG office is full of boxes once more. Our distribution partners at Funagain and IndiPro are also restocked. If you want a copy, but feared the uncertainty around global freight, now is the time to get one.

Pre-orders shipped last weekend. Everyone should have received tracking information. If you didn’t or there is some other issue with your order, please don’t hesitate to ask.

By popular demand, we also have plastic inlay trays for owners of the original Far Away. They are available for $2 + shipping. If you have a new copy, the tray is already included. Tray redundancy will result in catastrophic life support explosions.

Thank you all for bearing with us. This shipment suffered from an inordinate amount of bureaucratic hassle. We can only take comfort in the fact that all the game’s jabs at government ineptitude are completely warranted.
