Hair of the Dog - Guest List and PNP Update

We reached an important milestone for Hair of the Dog: all the pets are ready for petting! All told, over 70 dogs, cats, and chameleons have made their way into the pub. You can get a sneak peek of the guest list in this PDF.

This milestone also coincides with a checkpoint in our design progress. Hair of the Dog has been played across the country and had numerous people give their feedback. We’ve been beaten by 10-year-olds. We’ve been aggressively shamed out of spite. We’ve lost our own solo mode enough times. We’re ready to call the game design complete.

We have removed the Hair of the Dog print-and-play prototype from our site. Our plan is to follow the same path as Far Away: we’ll release the print-and-play to Kickstarter backers when it’s complete and publicly rehost the files after the game’s initial launch phase. A big thanks to everyone who has sacrificed their ink or toner and tried out the game! As promised, we donated to The Humane Society every time our playtesting survey was answered. Over $150 went to our furry friends looking for love.

Thanks for the support everyone. The next big milestone is starting manufacturing. We can’t wait to share that update with you.