Release the Hounds!

Hair of the Dog is officially available! After some foster care and obedience training, you can now bring the dogs home. Pick up your pub today!

We’re hosting a launch party at our old stomping grounds, Ravenna Brewing Company. Come on by to get a copy and learn how to play. The party is from 5-9pm on Sunday, March 25th. There will be real dogs.

After that party, we’ll also be traveling to local game stores and demoing. If you’re interested in having us at your store (or a store you frequent), please reach out. No promises we can travel everywhere, but we sure wish we could.

Finally, we’ll be at SquatchCon in Port Angeles this coming weekend. We love any excuse to travel to the peninsula and feast of shellfish, but we really do love these smaller conventions. It’s a great chance to connect with folks over a full game. The dogs of the pub will surely get a lot of attention too.